Saturday, July 23, 2011

the truth about who we are

I have noticed something that I find a bit disturbing.  It is the fact that if someone tells themself something long enough, they actually begin to believe that it is true. 

I hear of people who committed a crime, but tell themselves that they didn't long enough that they begin to believe the lie.  It's like truth becomes what you make it. 

Something happens.  It wasn't my fault.  If I tell myself this long enough, I may just believe it.

I prefer a certain view of history.  It's what I was taught.  It is what makes me comfortable.  But what if it is not true, or what if it is a clouded version of the story?  To some degree then, I am living a lie.

This kind of thinking tends to keep us far from reality.  It keeps us rooted in our beliefs that may make us comfortable, but are still a theory of our creation.

Someone believes that Satan is the opposite of God.  That is what they were taught.  They refuse to budge even though the Biblical evidence does not teach this.  Someone believes that Satan is omni present.  It's what they were taught.  You can't help them think otherwise.  It's just what they were taught.

Someone believes that their life is about them.  It is what they were taught.  They have done it long enough that they recoil at the thought of life being about God and others.

Someone believes that all pastors are bad.  It's what they were taught.  It is their life experience.  But is it right?  Does it make all pastors to be charlatans?

And so I come to the things that I believe about myself, my family and our history.  How much of it is really true and how much of it is something that is made up for my convenience? 

It takes a brave person to really be honest about such things.  But I think that God looks for such people, who see themselves for who they are, good- bad- or indifferent.  I think that God likes honesty.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.  Also be willing to see the truth, even if it is uncomfortable.


Anonymous said...

You are right on with this post. To add a point to what you've said: Children are a treasure of the Lord. While they are growing up and under the influence of parents, teachers, and others, we need to be careful how we talk to them. If they really mess up or do something not good, if adults say "you're stupid" kids sometimes carry that with them for the rest of their lives. Better to say, what you did wasn't the best choice. If we call them good names, they feel like a good person, when they are grown. We can address what their doing wrong, without attacking who they are.

Also works with leadership, in a positive vein. If you title someone the "head (whatever)" it connotes that they are the head of people. While if you call them Team Leaders, it inspires them to lead. Many labels and titles we give people in organizations, lead them to believe they are a little better than the next person.

Inspire someone today by letting them know they are valued as a human being. They will begin to believe it.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of the verse, the heart is deceitful about all things and desperately wicked, who can know it. God knows our heart always of course, but per your post, we can and do deceive ourselves...