Saturday, July 9, 2011

pray for rain

I regularly get the request.  Pray for rain, Pastor!  Pray for warmer weather.  Pray for cooler weather.  Pray for it to be more to our liking.

My answer is always the same.  "I am in sales, not management."

As a member of the good Lord's sales force, it is my job, my opportunity to invite others to know and follow him regardless of the circumstances.  Since I am not in management, I must leave the big decisions to Him.

What about your relationship with God?  Are you in sales or management?  How does our relationship with God's world change, depending on an understanding of us being in sales or management?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff, I love your admonishments to not only not be in the management role, but to try to enjoy the times when things aren't just like we wish. Enjoy our blessings, even in dry weather. You always teach us to look around at all God gives us each day, instead of focusing on the one thing we think is missing.

God bless you for this.