Friday, July 13, 2007

hurt feelings

Well, I did it again. I hurt someone's feelings. I don't mean to make it sound like it happens a lot, but I hurt my sister's feelings. You know I didn't mean to. I would not intentionally hurt anyone's feelings for love nor money.

I said something that I shouldn't have. In an email. I thought it was funny at the time. It didn't turn out to be so funny.

Now I feel bad. I should. In fact, I am glad that I feel bad. There is a great little passage of scripture:

Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret
2 Cor 7:10

There is an innate sense of right and wrong within each of us that clicks on when we do something wrong. It is a good thing. As soon as I figured out that I hurt her feelings, I felt terrible. I emailed back and apologized. I called and talked to her. I called again. I kept calling.

Our family has had it's moments and the last thing I wanted to do was goof this relationship up. I apologized again and again. I felt stupid. For a good reason. I was stupid.

Well, she forgives me. It is ok. All is well. I am absolved. Thank God.

Now I am going to think a little harder before I shoot off my mouth again. God gave me life so that I can do good and share his love, not be a toad.

I want to thank all of you for every time that you have forgiven my mistakes.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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