Friday, July 29, 2011

tip the server

I was talking to someone the other day who up until recently was a server at a restaurant.  They told me that there is at least one church in town, that instead of leaving a tip for the server, the members will leave tracts, scriptures and notes.

Ok, folks.  Really.  Are you sure?  Sometimes what sounds spiritual is really very unspiritual.  It is customary to tip the server in this country.  How is it Christian to not tip them?  How is it Christian to leave a tract instead?  In my mind the message this leaves to a server who might be looking for a church is- "don't come to our church, this is how we treat people."

I suggest for all of my Methodist friends, that you become a regular at the places that you eat.  Get to know the servers as people.  Ask about their kids.  Become their friends.  Love them.  If it comes up naturally in the conversation, talk church or faith with them.  Be patient.  Care for them.   And, tip them.  Tip unto them as you would like to be tipped unto yourself.  I promise you that if they are ever looking for a church, yours will be the one they try out.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

The world through your eyes, lips, and ears . . . crystal clear . . . I love it! Blogs, sermons, thoughts . . . thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am SO GLAD you shared this. And furthermore, stuffing tracts in someone's face, even in places other than restaurants, is probably one of the best ways to send non-believers running the other way. Instead of extending our hands to give them a tract, we would come nearer helping them find God by using that hand to shake theirs, and get to know them.

Anonymous said...

Wow,although I do agree in leaving a tip when deserved, but leaving a scripture or tract is an eternal tip. Some servers may not see it that way, but you never know when there is someone that needs that note or truth from God's Word. He is the one who blesses. We are to allow Him to work through us and bless others.

While I agree with caring for them and being kind, it can be done in many ways. Rather than encourage friends to leave a tip, we should encourage each other to pray for what God would want them to do in that moment. Leave a tip? Or leave a tract? Or leave both