Thursday, October 21, 2021


Heresy - false doctrine, false teaching.  

But who decides what is false?  There are over 30,000 different protestant denominations.  All of them have different teachings.  Who is right?  Who is wrong?  

Who cares.

This is another blog post about how you live is much more important that what you believe.

One church will tolerate your "bad" beliefs.  Another church will excommunicate you.  Another will shun you.  Just because you don't believe it the way that they believe it, does not mean that you are bad.

God loves you.  You have a right to your beliefs.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to be the good.

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I am leading a River Cruise to Belgium and the Netherlands March 19-27, 2022.  If you are interested in reading about the trip or joining in, the link is below.

Click here for the brochure

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