Wednesday, October 27, 2021

the good will rise

Imagine a world where you have no worries and no fears.  I'd say that you would be happy, wouldn't you?  In fact, for most people, their natural state is happy, we just get bogged down by worry, fear, guilt and such.

What if you could eliminate the worries. the fear and the guilt?  Although we can't always make the problems and issues go away, we can control whether or not we worry about them.  We can control if we are fearful or not.

You can be in pain and suffer, or you can be in pain and not suffer. When we lose our self in God, we are in effect, laying down the burdens.  When we lay down the burdens, we let go, and joy is the natural result.  Much like cutting off the weights that hold down a balloon, when we let go of our worries, joy will rise to the top.

This is a huge paradigm shift.  At least it was for me.  But I do believe that it is key to seeing the good.  Your problems will be here tomorrow, so don't worry about them today.  Release yourself from them so that your soul can fly up to God in joyful living.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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I am leading a River Cruise to Belgium and the Netherlands March 19-27, 2022.  If you are interested in reading about the trip or joining in, the link is below.

Click here for the brochure

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