Friday, December 3, 2021

Something to be thankful for...


We don’t like aliments. We want to be well. We want to be whole. But when was the last time that you considered the miracle of the body healing itself?

I sleep overnight and I wake up and my knees are feeling better. I get a bad cut and then watch it heal. I split a fingernail. Ouch. And then I watch over the next few days as it grows out and restores itself and I cut the bad part off. How about how our eyes can make tears and dispel foreign objects?

The body is an amazing thing. Let’s give thanks for the body’s amazing ability to heal itself.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


I am leading a River Cruise to Belgium and the Netherlands March 19-27, 2022. If you are interested in reading about the trip or joining in, the link is below.

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