Friday, July 1, 2011

marital advice

I am not very good with marital advice.  I am not even sure how to spell it.  But I was talking to a couple the other night and I have one good thought to share.

What ever you did together that you enjoyed when you were dating, keep doing it.  Find the time for those things that you so enjoyed when you were dating.  Maybe you went to listen to music.  Maybe you played tennis.  maybe you wandered in museums.  Whatever it was, make time to do it.

It is amazing how many people get busy with life and stop doing the very things that brought them together in the first place.  Engaging in such activity can actually be a healthy distraciton from other problems. 

So, what ever it was, go do it.  Royals games.  Bowling.  Pizza.  Golden Tee. Tennis. 

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


grace said...

I think it's also really good to find a new activity together. It's fun and it gets both people out of their comfort zone together.

Anonymous said...

Hubby's knees won't allow him to play on a church softball team anymore; drive-in movies are almost a thing of the past, and church youth group hayrides don't happen much anymore. Elvis has gone on to a better place.

Guess our marriage is down the tubes.